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Thursday 19 April 2012

Lecture 6 Commercial Media

Commercial Media, a whole new vocabulary to me. This lecture is very informative even though Bruce is talking about the names of commercial media whom 99% I've never heard of. It was all Greek to me but I know to keep up with the pace I have to know and understand it.

Bruce talked about what is commercial media, who are they, how they make money, what do they produce, their form and function, social responsibility and the challenges they are facing.

Apparently commercial media made their money through advertisers and they are profit-driven. Not funded by government, they have to create interesting program to attract audience so that they can sell these advertising slot! It made them do what the audience wants to see and sometimes biased to the powerful people.

I paid extra attention on this part of lecture : the social responsibility of commercial media. As profit comes before quality, how can commercial media actually deliver quality material to the audience? It made me thinks about nowadays commercial media often deliver news as entertainment because people want to see that instead of a form of information. Over the time, it became more like tabloid instead of news reporting.
To balance well quality and profit, commercial media is struggling to come out with something that is informative and profitable. They need to put in extra effort so that they don't lose audience. Unfortunately, by far there's no commercial media is doing a great job on reaching the equilibrium state.

Commercial media has to be responsible for the social. As they create what people want to see, they should deliver the correct messages of what people should know. Of course, profit is very important to the media but they shouldn't let some powerful people control it and use it as a media to control people's mind.

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